Week of 8/26/19 through 8/30/19

Principles of Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications

The students will start Ch. 2 ” Creating Illustrations with Color and Type”. In Lesson 4, the students will learn to use the Pen tool, create illustrations with the Pen tool, edit curves, draw and edit with the Pencil tool, and explore the history of graphic design. In Lesson 5, the student swill explore basic color theory, work with color, use Illustrator Swatch libraries, and explore the history of graphic design. In Lesson 6, the students will add type to a poster, work with overflow text and text reflow, format type, develop type, create and apply text styles, warp text, work with type on a path, and learn about employable skills.

TEKS:  1Ai-iii, 1Bi-ii, 1Ci, 1Ei-ii, 2Aii, 2Ci-iii, 2Ei-ii, 2Fi-ii, 2Ei-ii, 3Aii-iii, 3Avii, 3Dii, 3Fii, 3Fvi, 4Ai-ii, 5Ai-iii, 6A1-vi, 6Bi, 6Biv-vii, 6Bix-x, 6Bxii, 6Ci-iii, 6Di-vi, 10Ai-ii, 10Bi-ii, 10Eiii-xvi, 14Ai, 14Bi, 16Ai, 16Ci-vii, 16Di-iii, 16Ei-iv, 17Bii, 18Ai-ii, 18Bi-ii, 20Ai, 20Bi-ii, 20Ci

Activity: The students will start Ch. 2 ” Creating Illustrations with Color and Type”. In Lesson 4, the students will learn to use the Pen tool, create illustrations with the Pen tool, edit curves, draw and edit with the Pencil tool, and explore the history of graphic design. In Lesson 5, the student swill explore basic color theory, work with color, use Illustrator Swatch libraries, and explore the history of graphic design. In Lesson 6, the students will add type to a poster, work with overflow text and text reflow, format type, develop type, create and apply text styles, warp text, work with type on a path, and learn about employable skills.

Materials: Principles of Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications by Emergent Learning; Adobe Illustrator

Evaluation: Chapter 2 Exercises